MISS_HIT 0.9.45-dev Linter
MISS_HIT includes a linter tool (mh_lint). It is a classic bug-finding tool that focusses on code quality that is automatic, but not sound or complete.
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Static analysis for MATLAB / Octave

Work In Progress

This tool is extremely limited. What it does is helpful, but it doesn't do much and is not a replacement for e.g. mlint or checkcode.
Triangle with exclamation mark



MISS_HIT Lint issues "check" messages for any potential problem it detects. These are further classified into three categories:
  • low - These are problems that MISS_HIT is somewhat unsure about if it is a problem or not, or problems that - if they manifest - are unlikely to be silently undetected bugs. Something that makes your entire program crash or obviously doesn't work is not as bad as something that quitely mis-behaves.
  • high - These are problems that MISS_HIT is very sure will cause major problems. Fix these!
  • medium - Anything else.


Incomplete block comments

Block comments are special comments that span multiple lines. The documentation states that they must appear on their own line without any other text surrounding them, otherwise the behaviour is left undefined. MH Lint emits a check on all comments that may be block comments, for example:
disp 1;
disp 2; %{
disp 3;
disp 4;
disp 5;
The second block comment is not actually a block comment (creating the first warning). The third comment closes the first comment; but the last one does not close the second, since it's not a block comment (creating the second warning). The output of this code is 1, 4, 5 which is maybe not what you would expect.

Chaining relational operators

It is possible to chain operators, e.g. 1 + 2 + 3 which performs as expected. However it is also possible to chain relational operators, which does not work as expected:
lower = 5;
upper = 20;
if lower < var < upper
   disp('var is in bounds');
   disp('error: var is not in bounds');
This condition always evaluates to true. Lets say var is 100. Chained operators are evaluated left-to-right, lower < var will evaluate to 1, which in turn means 1 < upper is always true.
MH Lint emits a check on all chained relations.

Shadowing of built-in functions ("builtin_shadow")

This rule attempts to find cases where we assign to, or shadow, a MATLAB® builtin function (e.g. re-defining false to be 1). For assignments, this rule works on a hand-curated list of "high impact" built-in functions, where it is likely this re-definition will result in confusion. So we complain e.g. about "true", but we do not complain about "bar". For script files, function files, and class files we check a much broader set of built-ins.

Filename matching entity within

A class or top-level function must match the name of the file it is declared in: other functions can only reliably access it if this is the case. If it does not match, you must use the name of the file instead of the function or class name, which is just not right.

Name-value pairs in function calls

This is a new (since MATLAB® 2021a) and extremely confusing use of = in function calls. It means something completely different to what it means in any other language, it also clashes with Octave, and finally it is next to impossible to parse correctly.
Consider for example:
  • In MATLAB® < 2021a, this is just a syntax error.
  • In MATLAB® >= 2021a, this is actually two arguments, and is equivalent to
    foo('a', b)
    Note that this is totally different to what you'd expect if you come from e.g. Python or Ada.
  • In Octave, this is a side-effect assignment to a, so is equivalent to
    a = b;
It gets worse, when you consider how to parse or semantically analyze the code fragment
Is it allowed or not? This may depend on the calling context, for example if foo is a lambda function it would be fine, but if it is an array, it is not.

Contents.m only contains comments

A file called Contents.m must only contain comments, as it has special significance for the MATLAB® help system.

Correct format for TestTags

The required syntax for TestTags is documented, but subtle. We've seen some cases where incorrect TestTags cause the entire test to be silently ignored; so to guard against this MH Lint enforces the correct syntax.